Acknowledging Our Incredible Supporters
THANK YOU Peoria Traditional School!
Peoria Traditional School in Peoria, AZ ran a food drive for HART Pantry. The total value of the food gathered was $2,304! Food costs are extremely high right now and we are feeding more kids each week than we ever have. If we did not have amazing sponsors donating to us, we could not continue to feed our At-Risk Teens. Thank you to everyone involved in this food drive at Peoria Traditional School!

THANK YOU Quail Run Ladies Golf League!
Thank you Quail Run Ladies Golf League for the $425 food donation plus the $610 donated in cash and checks. Thank you Linda Liang for delivering all of this. Food costs are so high and the number of At-Risk Teens that we are feeding is at an all time high. Without our wonderful sponsors we wouldn't be able to feed these kids.
THANK YOU Kitchen on the Street!
HART Pantry would like to give a big thank you to Kitchen on the Street. They donated 672 cans of green beans and 960 cans of chicken noodle soup to help us feed the many At-Risk Teens that we feed each week in the West Valley.

THANK YOU, Giving University!
Recently, our volunteer webmaster, Barbara Allen, completed the Giving University class on how to vet charities. It was a free class, very interesting, and gave a lot of insight and eye-opening information on donating to charities. HART Pantry scored a very high (good) score on Giving University's scoresheet. Culminating in the completion of course requirements, Giving University gave a $1,000 check to Barb's charity of choice, which, of course, was HART Pantry! If you are interested in the course, it is free, meets only once a week for 8 weeks, and is not labor-intensive but very worthwhile. Just Google Giving University for further info.

THANK YOU, Peoria Diamond Club!
The recent FoodStock Event at the Peoria Diamond Club allowed PDC to present HART Pantry with a check for $4,000.00 for their mission to help feed at-risk students in the West Valley. Shown left to right: Roz Shanley, Director of Peoria Diamond Club; Ruth Langford, Executive Director of HART Pantry; Leeanne Gardner, Marketing and PDC Board Secretary. It is only with benefactors such as PDC that HART can continue to meet the demands of their program. Thanks again, Peoria Diamond Club!
THANK YOU, Soul Group of Corte Bella, Sun City West!
Great, thanks go out to Christina from Soul Group of Corte Bella, Sun City West, for donating an office chair to HART Pantry for our new office. For those of you who don't know who Soul "Smiling Out Loud" is, it is a community-based charitable support organization consisting of ladies living in Corte Bella who is committed to supporting social welfare organizations and educational institutions in the West Valley area. HART Pantry LOVES partnering with organizations like Soul! Thank you!

THANK YOU, Project Smile AZ!
Project Smile AZ has once again outdone itself by providing HART Pantry with 70 snack bags to be given to at-risk teens at the end of school this year. Shown left to right are Pravneet, co-founder of Project Smile AZ, with his brother/co-founder Hurshneet and Ruth Langford, CEO of HART Pantry. Project Smile AZ has been working with HART Pantry for several years now, providing kits of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss to be distributed to At-Risk Teens by HART Pantry along with the food bags they provide. It takes a village to help our teens, and we sure appreciate the help from Project Smile AZ!
THANK YOU, Smile Out Loud, Corta Bella!
Bonnie (left) from Smile Out Loud, Corta Bella, presents Ruth Langford (right), Director of HART Pantry, with a $1,000.00 check for the graduation gifts fund for HART Pantry seniors. This group has long been a donor to HART Pantry, and we are so grateful to them! Thank You!

THANK YOU AGAIN, Bombas Socks!
Bombas has been an invaluable partner with HART Pantry, providing us with thousands of pairs of socks over the last few years to be distributed to At-Risk Teens in the West Valley. HART Pantry recently received another 19 cases of socks from Bombas of all sizes and styles. We can't thank you enough, Bombas!
THANK YOU, Arizona Women's Partnership!
The Arizona Women's Partnership, an all-volunteer philanthropic non-profit, recently announced the awarding of a total of $33,500 to their 2023 grant recipients. HART Pantry was one of the lucky recipients and received $1,500 dollars to help feed homeless teens! Pictured are the members of the AZ Women's Partnership Grant Committee. Thank you so much for your support of HART Pantry and the homeless teens it helps! We appreciate your partnership so much!
THANK YOU, Church of the Palms!
Your donation of over 200 soaps in a bag helped to fill Christmas Bags given to our at-risk Teens in local high schools this Christmas. We couldn't do this without you!

THANK YOU, Elks Lodge #2559! THANK YOU, Savage Bike Shop!
HART Pantry would like to give a shout-out to Savage Bikes, 13980 W. Bell Road in Surprise. Adam at Savage Bikes has been giving HART Pantry used bikes for quite a while now. These bikes are then given to needy At-Risk Teens at local high schools, so they have transportation to high school and/or jobs. HART's mission is to provide food for the weekends to these At-Risk Teens, but they often provide other much-needed items such as toiletries, clothing, and bikes. Thank you again, Savage Bikes! HART Pantry could not do what they do without great partners such as YOU!
THANK YOU, Daisy Girl Scout Troop 2575!
Daisy Girl Scout Troop 2575 led a major food drive with the help of Leader Eileen Seeburger and the parents. The girls donated lots of much-needed items to the HART Pantry, and they all earned a new Food Drive patch for their uniforms. Way to go, girls!

THANK YOU, Sun City Elks Lodge #2559 Queen of Hearts Committee!
Recently, HART Pantry received $9,500.00 from the Sun City Elks Lodge #2559 Queen of Hearts Committee. The Sun City Elks Lodge #2559 has been a tremendous supporter of HART Pantry for the past several years, and we don't know what we would do without you. Thank you so much for supporting HART Pantry and our At-Risk Teens!
THANK YOU, APS and Arizona Community Foundation!
The HART Pantry is pleased to announce that they were recently the recipients of a $3,000.00 grant from APS/Arizona Community Foundation. This grant will help the Pantry fill many weekly food bags and snack bags that will feed our at-risk teens at local high schools. THANK YOU, APS and the Arizona Community Foundation!