Unlawful Harassment Letter Hart Pantry, ("The Company") is committed to providing a work environment free of unlawful harassment. Company policy prohibits sexual harassment and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, race, religious creed, color, gender, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law or ordinance or regulation. All such harassment is unlawful. The Company's anti-harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operation of the Company and prohibits unlawful harassment by any employee of the Company, including supervisors and managers, as well as vendors, customers, and any other persons. It also prohibits unlawful harassment based on the perception that anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics. Prohibited unlawful harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior: Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments; Visual displays such as derogatory and/or sexually-oriented posters, photography, cartoons,drawings or gestures; Physical conduct including assault, unwanted touching, intentionally blocking normal movement or interfering with work because of sex, race or any other protected basis; Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, or to avoid some other loss and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors; and Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment. If you believe that you have been unlawfully harassed, submit a verbal or written complaint to any member of the Executive Board of Directors. You will be asked to provide details of the incident or incidents, names of individuals involved and names of any witnesses. The Company will immediately undertake an effective, thorough and objective investigation of the harassment allegations. If the Company determines that unlawful harassment has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. Any employee determined by the Company to be responsible for unlawful harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to, and including termination. An Executive Board member will advise all parties concerned of the results of the investigation. The Company will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by management, employees or co-workers. The Company encourages all volunteers to report any incidents of harassment forbidden by this policy immediately so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved. You also should be aware that the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or other applicable state regulatory body investigate and prosccute complaints of prohibited harassment in employment. If you think you have been harassed or that you have been retaliated against for resisting or complaining, you may filc a complaint with the appropriate agency. The nearest office is listed on line.Harassment and Discrimination Complaint ProcessVolunteers, and other parties of Hart Pantry who believe they are being, or have been, harassed or discriminated against in violation of the Policy of Unlawful Harassment & Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), should report this incident in writing, as soon as reasonably possible after the alleged incident(s) to any member of the Executive Board of Directors of Hart Pantry ie: President, V.P. , Secretary, Treasurer of the Executive Board.I. REPORTING HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION Volunteers of Hart Pantry who believe they are being or have been harassed or discriminated against in violation of the Policy Prohibiting Unlawful Harassment & EEO should report their experience. Volunteers should report instances of possible harassment or discrimination to any member of the Hart Pantry Executive Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of all individuals at Hart Pantry to maintain a respectful work environment free from harassment and discrimination, II. COMPLAINT PROCESS Because harassment and discrimination may involve a wide range of behaviors, the way in which a given case is best handled will vary. This Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Process provides a number of options to those subjected to harassment or discrimination. If it appears that harassment or discrimination may have occurred, the Board of Directors will explain the options available to the complainant. The option selected will depend on a number of factors including the serjousness of the offense, the amount of evidence available, the degree of confidentiality sought, and the outcome desired by the complainant. A complainant may select an informal or formal resolution. An informal resolution focuses on stopping the harassing or discriminatory behavior without a formal investigation and seldom results in sanctions. A formal resolution involves an investigation and may result in sanctions. A. FORMAL RESOLUTION A complainant may choose the formal complaint resolution process for a complaint of harassment or discrimination. 1. Initiation of Complaint The formal complaint resolution process is initiated by a written complaint. If the complainant chooses to make a formal complaint, Board of Directors will be able to answer questions about the writing of the complaint. A written complaint should include the following: a. description of the harassing or discriminating behavior b. name of the respondent c. when and where the harassing or discriminating behavior occurred d. what effect the behavior had on the complainant e. who witnessed the behavior, if applicable f. whom the complainant spoke to about the behavior, if applicable Once the complaint is written it is forwarded to Board of Directors, who will send a copy of the complaint to the respondent and request a written response.2. Investigation and Findings The Executive Board of Directors will select an individual to investigate the complaint and will work closely with the investigator in following the steps to be taken in the investigation. The investigator will work as expeditiously as possible to conduct a full and fair investigation. The investigator will give the respondent an opportunity to be heard with respect to the complaint and to furnish names of witnesses along with information pertaining to their knowledge of the matters set forth in the complaint. Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator will report in writing to the Executive Board of Directors, setting forth the steps taken in the investigation and the investigator's findings. -A written waming placed in the respondent's file; -Probation; -Termination, dismissal. 3. Remedial Action There may be situations in which harassment in violation of the Policy Prohibiting Unlawful Harassment & EEO is found not to have occurred (for example, where the conduct complajned of involved an isolated incident or where the conduct is protected by law). This finding does not prevent Hart Pantry from bringing to the attention of the respondent that his/her conduct was deemed by the complainant to be inappropriate. This fact may be brought to the attention of the respondent either through an informal process or the formal process, B. Independent Action Hart Pantry reserves the right to investigate allegations of harassment or discrimination in appropriate circumstances even in the absence of a complaint of harassment or discrimination filed pursuant to this Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Process. III. CONFIDENTIALITY Hart Pantry shall maintain confidentiality to the extent possible within the requirements of conducting reasonable investigations. Only those who have a need to know will be told the identity of the parties to a complaint. In some instances, a complainant may choose to take no action or to defer action until a later date in order to maintain anonymity. In these instances, Hart Pantry reserves the right to limited disclosure and to take appropriate action in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the employees of Hart Pantry. IV. RETALIATION Retaliatory conduct against any individual who has filed a complaint of harassment or discrimination, who has reported witnessing harassment or discrimination, or who has participated in the harassment or discrimination complaint process is also a violation of the Riviera Broadcasting Policy Prohibiting Unlawful Harassment & EEO and is grounds for disciplinary and/or remedial action. Anyone who believes that s/he may be or has been the victim of retaliation should discuss her/his concerns with Board of Directors. V. FALSE ALLEGATIONS The intentional filing of a false complaint may subject the complainant to termination. Anyone who believes that s/he has been the subject of a false complaint of harassment or discrimination may meet with Executive Board to discuss the allegations. VI. RECORD KEEPING Notice of all reports of harassment or discrimination, whether a formal written complaint, or an informal complaint, must be forwarded to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will keep a confidential record of all informal and formal complaints. This information will be used by the Board of Directors to monitor repeated complaints within the same department or against the same individual. This information will also be used to document the incidence of harassment and discrimination in Riviera Broadcasting. VII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST BY COMPLIANCE OFFICER In the event that a harassment or discrimination complaint is made against one of The Board of Directors, complaints should be made directly to the Executive Director or President of the Board of Directors of HART PANTRY. VOLUNTEER ASSERTS THAT HE/SHE HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE HART PANTRY UNLAWFUL HARASSMENT POLICY AND THE HART PANTRY HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCESS. SIGNATURE OF VOLUNTEER:Date MM slash DD slash YYYY SIGNATURE OF VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR:Date MM slash DD slash YYYY NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.